Kids & Parenting, Uncategorized

My Stock Image Life.: For Your Eyes Only

Since starting the blog I have spent much time browsing the thousands of online stock image sites for things I like the look of as header photos. And it made me realise how insanely unrealistic a lot of it is. When searching for office desks they all look like this:

adult, agency, business

However, my actual desk looks NOTHING like that. Here is how my desk looked by 10am on a standard day in the office…

my desk, messy, mess, working, office, working mum
My desk by 10am on standard day in the office!

And even now that I am working from home, here is my current working space….

working from home, work, office, home office, stock images
My working from home, work space. Not quite like the beautiful stock images we see!

When I was younger my parents bought me a door hanger for my bedroom which said ‘Geniuses thrive on clutter’, I still live by this. I am clearly a genius.

But although it may look a complete mess, I could tell you what every bit of paper is and why it is there and where it needs to go etc. It is a system of chaos, and it works for me. I actually couldn’t do my job if my desk looked like any of the photos in stock images. I need papers, and lists and references. I can’t work in clean and tidy.

It led me to think about these images and the way we present ourselves online. I think we can all admit that the life people see through our social media outlooks are generally significantly shinier and glossier than the real thing. I only ever used to post on Facebook when I was doing something new and exciting (have you ever seen anyone ‘Check In’ @ home, washing the dishes?),  or had a full face of make up! I rarely post about the bad times, and would never post a photo when I looked awful!

Even to the point that after giving birth to Little K the photo that did the rounds had been taken after I’d applied concealer and blusher… I knew there was no need to look pristine, but I couldn’t let the world see the mess I was!

Three years  ago, I was ashamed to have looked like this… After 36 hours of labour, many complications and failed epidurals, I was ashamed that I looked like this. I had pushed out/had pulled out on a chain (!!) an 8.5 pound baby, whilst vomitting and under no pain relief, my mind and body were on the edge of giving up and I was ashamed…

And now, I am ashamed that I ever felt that way. My body had just done the most incredible thing in the world, I couldn’t care about how I looked in that moment, I am just happy that it happened. I am proud.

So here you go World Wide Web, for your eyes only, this is how I actually looked, vs the image that I allowed the world to see.

childbirth, tired, exhausted, in pain, aching, scared, terrified
The reality – emotional, terrified, in pain, but oh so happy!
birth, epidural, baby, baby girl, natural birth,
Post birth photo – Editted and glossy to share with the world…

What would the world see if you showed them the reality?

Thinking about the deception and false reality in standard stock images. I was desperate for a desk photo that looked more like a real working desk! Leads me to think about how we all portry ourselves online, and an added bonus of a competely uneditted photo of me!
What would the world see if you showed them the reality?


2 thoughts on “My Stock Image Life.: For Your Eyes Only”

  1. I am a genius too 😉 I once got a note off the cleaners at work for the state of my desk. I try to show some reality on my social media but I am also guilty of feeling guilty when it doesn’t look like everyone elses. It makes me laugh to myself when I crop a photo for Instagram. It looks lovely and then there is all the mess in the back ground


    1. I took some photos in my room this evening (just starting a weight loss journey so they are meant to be my ‘before’ shots) but all I could see was the mound of washing almost up to my knees!


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